Monday 22 December 2008

Issue 2

Editors Note

Issue 1 was such a success, so we decided to go along with Issue 2. In this issue we're going to be talking about how to make lots of bells, with Abblecrumble's Bell Making Guide! It's going to be great, and I'm sure that you are a little low on bells after Christmas, so I'll be helping you. Also we have a big article on when Jingle came to Town on Christmas Eve. It's a little diary entry written by our style editor, Twinny! She's been following that story. We will be welcoming the new staff to the City Folk Weekly Team.

Contents for this issue:

  1. Jingle, Jingle Comes to Town
    For the nice a present, for the naughty a frown,

  2. Abblecrumble's Money Making Guide
    Become a bellionaire by following a few of my handy tips.

  3. The Secret Marquee Room Investigation
    One of our new writers, GrenVillChic investigates more on the Secret Marquee Room!

  4. Style Guide
    Twinny takes a look at some Winter interiors.

  5. The Finishing Note
    Find out more about the next issue and how to get involved.

Jingle, Jingle comes to Town!

Hi, it's Twinny. I recieved a very interesting letter the other week from Jingle informing me about a special day that's upon us... and today is the day. 24/12.

I woke up this morning, stepped out of my house and was blown away by the Christmas music of Tropica (my town)! It's funny how you can get so excited about the little things in life. Anyhow, I noticed I had mail - a full mail box full of letters! Many of these held gifts. This is truly a great season to be in. One of my letters were from Mom and Dad!

If you owned Wild World you will be pleased to welcome Jingle Day to your towns in City Folk, as I was - it means you get a letter from Dad... well Mom wrote all the letter but it was signed 'D' at the bottom, so that counts for something.

I wasn't too pleased with the gift though... a red down vest, but I'm sure I could do some
miracle with it... and it's the thought that counts.

I decided to go to Nook's to prepare my gifts for others but on my way I noticed nature had left me a hybrid. Yay! An orange pansie, which I decided to sport in my hair.

I bought many gifts for the other two characters in Tropica - both my sisters. Lets just hope they like them as I spent a lot! Who knew GracieGrace could be so expensive... after all my hard work... or lack of it. I needed a break so I packed my bus ticket and shopping card and headed to the City.

I never really spend much time in the city... not unless I bring lots of bells... or if I have wads of bells in my bank - unfortunately I'm saving my banked bells for an emergancy. I plodded on to Harriets to get a new 'do'. I fancied a change after having mysterious hair for so long (the last week...) So I went 'light-hearted', but kept the cute styles. After that, I headed to the marquee.. but it was closed till 11:00am so I had no choice but to head back to Tropica.

I planned on doing a round of my town wishing everyone a merry Jingle day but non of my villagers even acknowledged it was a special day!

I went to Puck's house hoping he'd have a little more know, but he wasn't even there... I thought you couldn't visit their houses if they were out but it seems you can... unless he was hiding... or this was a glitch. Slightly worried I headed back outside and carried on with my round, and built a dashing snowman! Personally I can't wait for the snow to melt and spring to come as it means more bugs, more fish, more events, more fun.

Bell Making Guide!

Are you a little low on bells after Christmas? Need to scrape those last few bells together to pay off the mortgage?

Well I'm going to show you how to earn some extra cash!
All you will need is the basic equipment (fishing rod, bug net, shovel...)

1. Fossils

Selling fossils is probably the quickest way of earning some big bells as most fossils sell for 2.000 bells +. You can find fossils by digging, with a shovel where any little stars are, on the ground. It will be either a gyroid, pitfall seed or a fossil.

However before you sell them, they need to be identified! This can be done by simply going to the Museum and asking Blathers to identify a fossil. One it's been identified go back to Nook's to sell it.

Even though selling fossils is one of the best ways to earn big bells, it's time consuming and limited as only a few stars will appear in your town a day. Once they have all been dug up, you will have to wait until the next day.

2. Fishing & Bug Catching

This is one of the main ways to earn some extra bells! All you have to do is buy a fishing rod (they're not very expensive) then stand in front of a river, pond, sea or any other body of water then press A, your line will be then thrown into the water. When a little shadow swims up to the end of your line in the water and pulls it under (it'll make a little splash sound), quickly press A again to reel it back up.

It is the same principle with bug catching. Approach the bug cautiously then quickly swing the net!

3. The Money Rock Trick

This is a little bit of an odd trick. All you have to do is chase around your town all day hitting rocks with your shovel. One of the rocks will "contain" some bells. Once you start hitting it some bells will fly out. It usually starts at 100 bells and each time you hit, an increased amount of money will fly out. I usually get about 8.000 bells from this. Although there is a time limit to it. As soon as you have hit a rock and the first bag of bells come out, time will begin to run out. Every time you hit a rock, you'll be hit back with recoil and will have to walk up to the rock again, so to save some time dig 2 or 3 holes behind you, so that you are sandwiched between some holes and a rock.

The Rock with the bells in will change each day, and you can only get bells from a rock once a day.

4. Fruit Gathering

Fruit appears on the trees around your town, and they're not just there to eat. No, they're there to sell (and also make your town look colourful).

When you first start Animal Crossing City Folk and enter your new town, you will notice that there is a native fruit. The fruit you started off with. This could be from pears, apples, oranges, cherries and peaches, (never coconuts though.) The native fruit can be sold for 100 bells a piece. However if you get foreign fruit then they will sell for 500 bells a piece.

Collecting fruit can take a long time though, so it's only worth fruit gathering if you just need an extra few bells. Unless you hire a landscaping team to help you out.

5. The Turnip Trade

The Turnip Trade can be the most profitable of my tips. However first of all you need some turnips. Joan will come around to your town every Sunday from 6:00am until 12:00pm. When she is in town, go and ask her about White turnips. She will sell them for usually around 70 - 120 bells. Don't buy them if they're over 110 though, because it is going to be very hard to make any profit. Turnips, once bought will only last until next Sunday. If you keep them after that they'll spoil. So the idea is that you need to sell them to Tom Nook before then.

When talking to Nook ask for the Turnip prices, they change morning and noon. You need to keep checking back and when he's offering to pay more than you bought them for i'd sell them.

There are also many other ways for making bells. Foraging, and doings erands for your villagers are some. These wont get you many bells though and some ways are quite dangerous. For example - shaking trees to find bells and furniture is quite risky. You don't want to be stung by a mob of angry bees!

Good luck! I hope you liked my Bell Making Guide!

The Secret of the Marquee

Grenvillchic has been on the case about the rumour of a secret room in the Marquee.

Animal Crossing: City Folk researchers and investigators all over the world have been intrigued by a popular topic at the moment: The room above the marquee. No one has been able to enter it yet, but a light has been reported to be on in this room, after the marquee closes. At Animal Crossing: Community a small group of active players are investigating the room. CFRI: City Folk Rumor Investigations, are committed to finding a way to get into the room. City Folk Weekly has interviewed the leader of this group, joey19982.

CFW: What is the aim of the investigation?
joey19982: We are trying to get the people of ACC the fun of finding the room. So not everyone will have to find out for themselves.

CFW: List the possible ways you have discussed on how to get into the room:

joey19982: Well, we have seen a light on top of the Marquee around 12 am and we think you have to somehow move the ropes inside on the right at that time. And also when you stay inside the stage room the lights on the sides of the stage start blinking... Our question: Why?

There is also a theory that you can get into the Marquee through Ressetti's Reset Center. Hackers have found a tunnel like a subway in there, but do not know how to move in it yet.

CFW: In your opinion, which is the most likely?
joey19982: Probably the one about moving the ropes.

CFW: What evidence is there that there is a secret room at all?

joey19982: The animals! Why would Nintendo make them say that there is a secret room if it didn't exist? The don't talk about the Reset HQ but it still exists!

CFW: What have you listed as the possible rewards for getting into the room?
joey19982: We think there may be a secret emotion that you can only get in that room.

CWF: In your opinion, how close is the team from making a breakthrough?
joey19982: I think we are very close. I would say about 7/10.

Visit City Folk Investigators for more information on this topic and more rumors of Animal Crossing: City Folk

Style Guide

Hi again, It's Twinny! Christmas has passed now and I hope you all got wonderful gifts for the home or clothing! I'm looking at your festive homes this week and boy have we got a cracker. I'll show you how to change a dull average room into a winter wonderland in just a few simple steps plus we'll be featuring your homes - keep an eye out, yours might be featured!

Transformations! Budget Busting, for The City Folk Beginners

This house is... a bit dull. The HRA will not be happy - no special items, no feng shui, no nothing. I still think this house is fab though, but there's no crackle! We need to festive it up a bit. Use your imagination.

1. Start by moving all furniture to one side of
your room.

Clearing your canvas is a great way to start! Don't pick the items up though, you need to know which co-ordinates best with which, and it saves time.

2. Collect some festive items! (Festive trees, Snow Globes, Snowman Furniture!)
Festive items will be in Nook's throughout this festive season get yours when Nook's having a special offer to get the best deal! When Christmas and the New Year is over you can sell it back to him (for even more!)
These special items rack up your Happy Room Academy Score and will keep you smiling

3. Arrange furniture back with festive items. (Use Feng Shui!)
This is the layout of your home. The white areas are where any item can go, but watch out for the other parts! If you designate a certain coloured item to each area you will rack up those HRA points.
Add lucky items such as a lucky cat to any area of the room for bonus points!

4. Accessorize! Flowers always freshen the home up.

Somethings missing! Order a stylish lamp from your catalogue or dig out that old vase you put in your wardrobe. Go flower picking and arrange some neat nick-nacks around your home. Don't be afraid to cash out on a few key pieces, they'll come in handy again some day!

5. Step back and take a look.

All the hard work is finally over. Take a deep breath, relax and step back. You've got a total party room and it'll make the neighbours jealous. Use the brilliant camera angles to take some stylish photos to enjoy and show them to your friends, family or even us!

This might not look like much but compared to it's former self, It's a whole lot better. If you're a more experienced on Animal Crossing, you can still apply the same rules to get a stunning home.

Thanks for your response to the Style Guide! Next week, it'll be back to the clothes and we'll be exploring your trends!
Finishing Note
Thanks for reading Issue 2 of City Folk Weekly! You may of heard that the thread to City Folk Weekly had been locked - earlier this week. This is because "Newspaper like threads may cause arguements". Well considering this newspaper doesn't really include anything offensive then I can't see why it would cause any sadness. Anyway, the newspaper will still carry on as usual. A Private Thread will be sent out each week to those who have subscribed. Also if you would like to subscribe. Send Twinny a private thread about it.
Also an apology for not including everything which was said to be in this week's issue. This has happened because of some incidents on ACC and also, some of our writers haven't finished writing their stories.
Thank you again for reading.
(City Folk Weekly, Editor)

This is the first issue of City Folk Weekly. I'm Abblecrumble the editor, and i've created City Folk Weekly for all your Animal Crossing needs! The newspaper includes: Fashion Tips, Financial Guides, Agony Aunts and your stories! (Along with much more!)
The Newspaper is updated every week, with even more news! It's formatted in a appealing and proffesional way which will and in this issue there will be news on MidWinter's day, tips on what to wear this Winter and some juicy Villager Gossip. All pictures in this issue were taken by me, or City Folk Weekly's Style editor, Twinny.

Since City Folk Weekly is a new, news weekly we will need a few helping hands as the only editors are me, and Twinny. There will be jobs for interviewers, photographers, collumists and if you have any interesting stories or gossip, we'd like to hear from you! So if you're interested please post on the Animal Crossing Community - City Folk Weekly's thread: Click Here


Hi! I'm Twinny - Style Editor and I'll be here every week informing you about new City trends for you clothes and home! This week I'm concentrating on the perfect winter woolies which can be comfortable and stylish. I'll help you be the envy of your friends (and villagers!) Don't worry - I'll keep it affordable.

If you owned Animal Crossing: Wild World, you will of yearned to look like all the other cute villagers (well I did), now in the City you can! These adorable costumes will make you one of a kind, and there's something about them in the snow which will make you all warm and fuzzy inside. If you're going to any WiFi parties this Christmas, I reccomend you wear this Christmas Cracker and watch all your friends gaze at you in awe!
Cat Top: 640 bells
Cat Cap: 120 bells
Both From Able Sisters, All Seasons.

The vintage vibe! You either love it or hate it. Personally I'm a great fan, and I think this outfit really gives the era justice! It's Christmassy and kooky, plus the cosmo flower I teamed it with really ties it together - flowers are free and make a great accessory to an everyday outfit. Try it out when you could do with a bit of sparkle. The tortoise specs are a tad pricey but it really pulls the look together and make you feel a million dollars - it's nerd chic!
Comfy Sweater: 360 bells, Able Sisters
Tortoise Specs: 5,200 bells, GracieGrace
Both only available in the winter season!

Don't be alarmed by this unique look! Clashing bright colours can be pulled off by the most confident characters. The icy blue hair and balloon co-ordinates and give a real winter feel whilst the pink warms everything up whilst giving a groovy look; it's fresh and hip! Design your own shirts to give a customized feel and beat the credit crunch. Be careful with this crazy outfit - don't use too many colours and don't be afraid to show it off!
Strawberry Hat: 640 bells, Able Sisters
Bunny Balloon: Free (From Phineas)
Pro Design Shirt: 360 bells, Able Sisters

Next week I'll be looking at your winter homes! Post on the ACC City Folk Thread to recieve more information and maybe you will appear in the next issue! If you don't think your home is up to scratch but could follow this week's style vibes PT me your pictures!
I also need new models, PT Twinny for a job application.

If you appear in next week's style guide you will recieve a cat cap and cat top!

MidWinter's Day

Yesterday was MidWinter's Day. This is a UK only event, so not many witnessed it. So I decided i'd share it with you. Midwinter's day is supposedly the shortest day of the year (there are the least hours of Sunlight).

The gift for this event is a snow globe! This is a pretty little ornament which will look great in your house. This gift can be recieved from Tortimer who will be waiting for you outside the Town Hall! Just like in most events.
Other than that MidWinter's Day is a pretty average day, just like any other!

I'll be giving away a snowglobe aswell, so to be in with the chance of winning. Answer this question:

When snowmen send you letters, what type of paper do they use?

The first person to answer and post on the Animal Crossing Community - City Folk Weekly thread will win!

This competition has now closed! Winner announced in the next issue.
Next week's issue will give you the chance to win a Yoshi egg!

Villager Gossip

In the next issue we're looking for any villager gossip which has been spread in your town? For example Boone and Ruby might be getting along very well or Bunnie and Jay could have fallen out big time. Also you could tell us about funny little stories which have happened between you and your neighbour. Anything Villager related, we want to hear it!

To tell us about your stories, PT me, Abblecrumble on Animal Crossing Community. Bells and items will be rewarded for any which are shown!

Also send in any questions for Kapp'n, the Agony Aunt into the thread. Or privately to me, Abblecrumble through a PT.

Final Note

Thanks for reading this issue! Keep checking the thread: Click Here for more issues! Or you can subscribe so you never miss an issue, plus you'll get a free gift! A big festive tree to new subscribers. To subscribe post on the City Folk Weekly thread.
Any comments or questions can also be posted on the thread, along with job enquiries. We're looking for photographers, writers, financial advisers and agony aunts. We also want your stories and news!

Thanks again.
- City Folk Weekly